Elias: Rescue Team AdventuresA few shots from the television Animated series "Elias: Rescue Team Adventures" (season3), I worked on at CAOZ Animation Studio, from June 2013 to October 2014, first as modeller and shader/texture artist and then later in the production as compositor. Skills: Modeling, Texturing, Shading, Lighting, Compositing. Produced by: Animondo, CAOZ Animation Studio. |
Sjøvett med Kruse Knallkul - Dårlig vær.
One of 4 short movies I worked on at CAOZ Animation Studio, for Redningsselskapet (Norwegian rescue team), to raise awareness to safety at sea, based on the original children show, "Elias: Rescue Team Adventures" produced by Animondo. Skills: Modeling, Texturing, Shading, Compositing. Produced by: Animondo, Caoz Animation Studio (2014) |
LRRH - Sverri Kristjansson - Demo Reel 2013.A 6 month project I worked on during my studies at Vancouver Film School.
A modeling reel based on the classic story of "Little Red Riding Hood". Skills: Design, Modeling, Texturing, Shading, Lighting. Rigging by: Francesco Pinto Compositing by: Andrea Rosa Francesco Pinto |
LRRH - Character Rig (by Francesco Pinto)A rigging and TD show reel by Francesco Pinto.
The characters in "LRRH", were all rigged by Francesco Pinto, an amazing artist that I had the pleasure to work with at Vancouver Film School.
I recommend checking out more of his work at: http://www.francescopintovfx.com Skills: Design, Modeling, Texturing, Shading. Francesco Pinto: Rigging, Ncloth simulation, Motion Capture, Dynamics, Animation. |